2023 Lidzbark Warmiński Live

This year, the „Comedy Night Under the Stars” gala in Lidzbark Warmiński was broadcast live on WP Television. The event is part of a series that is the culmination of the Lidzbark Evenings of Humor and Satire, the oldest nationwide cabaret review.

For more than two decades, every year a cabaret show has been held in the amphitheater next to the Castle of the Bishops of Warmia. During this time, the event has been featured on the airwaves of the largest Polish television stations, becoming an important point in the calendar of cabaret lovers. Many well-known artists began their careers on this very stage, and later sat on the jury and performed as stars. Among them were: Neo-Nówka, Ani Mru Mru, Mumio, Kabaret Młodych Panów, Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju, Nowaki. The Lidzbark Evenings are a kind of barometer of the state of the Polish cabaret scene, reflecting its development and current trends.

The program of the event was filled with the greatest hits and premieres of the performing cabarets. Among the artists will also be the winners of the competition for the „Golden Pin” of the Lidzbark Evenings of Humor and Satire.

The stars of this year’s „Cabaret Night Under the Stars” in Lidzbark Warmiński were:

Ewa Błachnio,
Kabaret Jurki,
Kabaret Chyba,
Kabaret Czesuaf,
Zdolni i Skromni,
Kabaret Rak,
Kabaret Rewers

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