On the eve of Christmas 2021, Polish Television invited to the Great Caroling in Lviv. This is the first such event in history! Straight from Lviv’s Latin Cathedral, flowed the sounds of the most beautiful traditional Polish carols and pastorals performed by the biggest music stars. Performers included: Golec uOrkiestra, Maryla Rodowicz, Krzysztof Cugowski, Chris Cugowski, Alicja Węgorzewska, Alicja Szemplińska, Halina Mlynkova, Enej, Zenon Martyniuk, Classic, Marcin Miller, Piotr Kupicha, Sound’n’Grace, Natasza Urbańska, Alicja Tracz, Józefina, Staszek Karpiel Bułecka, Krzysztof Krawczyk Junior, Julija Belei and the Śląsk Choir and the children’s choir from Lviv. The evening was hosted by Tomasz Kammel, who, over a Christmas Eve supper, recalled pre-war Lviv and its glorious inhabitants.

YOU CAN WATCH ENTIRE SHOW HERE (VPN WITH POLISH IP REQUIRED),88/koncerty-swiateczne-odcinki,275753/odcinek-59,S01E59,330126,88/koncerty-swiateczne-odcinki,275753/odcinek-60,S01E60,307232

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