A music-themed quiz show based on the American format Name That Tune, broadcast on TVP1 from 4 September 1997, designed to promote popular music. The contestants compete in four rounds to correctly guess the titles of successive musical excerpts in the shortest time possible.
The legendary TVP quiz show in a contemporary hit version. Special episodes feature an array of stars. The show will feature Polish and foreign music legends, bands and singers who have been lighting up dance floors around the world for years!
There will also be musical „youngsters”, i.e. the hottest names on the contemporary music scene. The attractions do not stop there. Weekend specials with the 'known and loved’ are not only musical hits and positive emotions, but also a treasure trove of unknown facts and anecdotes from the lives of the programme guests!
YOU CAN WATCH MORE HERE (VPN WITH POLISH IP REQUIRED) https://vod.tvp.pl/programy,88/jaka-to-melodia-odcinki,274635