The venue was the Gdansk shipyard where the Solidarity labour movement was formed in the early 1980s, and within weeks an electrician called Lech Walesa emerged as its leader. It is seen by historians as the beginning of the end of communism in Europe. 10 years later, Walesa eventually became Poland’s president, and the „Solidarnosc” years are celebrated by Stewart on the big screen during his final song of this concert: „Rhythm of my heart”.

Rod Stewart’s two-hour concert was enjoyed by 35,000 people. The 62-year-old artist performed at the Gdańsk Shipyard as part of the „Space of Freedom” event series.

The musician and his 15-piece band appeared before the audience after 8 p.m. The stage on which he performed was 25 metres high and 45 metres wide. The artist also had a 20-metre-long catwalk at his disposal to facilitate contact with fans. In addition to the band, the British soloist was accompanied by female dancers.

During the concert, while performing the song 'Hot Legs’, Stewart, also known as a big football fan, kicked several dozen balls into the crowd with the Solidarity logo and his autograph. A moment later, the Mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz, also appeared on stage and presented the artist with an amber and silver bracelet to commemorate his concert in Gdańsk.

The show, which ended with several encores, was part of the international 'Greatest hits’ tour. The artist presented the audience with around 30 of his greatest hits.

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