A unique event with the participation of the Little Janosik Army and dance music stars. The most beautiful Polish carols and traditional highlander pastorals on Christmas Eve at the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptówki in Zakopane.
The originator of the Little Army of Janosik musical project is Damian Pałasz. A fiddler, musician and visionary, in February 2015 he set up a section in Raba Wyżna to learn how to play the Podhale fiddle and bass. At present, Janosik’s Little Army has 180 members ranging in age from three to seventy. The name of the band emphasises its size (army) and its composition made up largely of children. Janosik (the legendary Carpathian bandit) is intended to evoke associations with the folklore of the Carpathians.
During the concert „Zajaśniała gwiozdecka nad Tatrami”, the Little Janosik Army and dance music stars, including: Zbóje, Marcin Miller (Boys), Radosław Liszewski (Weekend), Piękni i Młodzi, Bayer Full, Mig, Czadoman, Paweł Jasionowski (Masters), Patryk Pegza (After Party), Jakub Urbański (Playboys), Karol Zawrotniak (Defis), Capitan Folk, Mateusz Mijal, Mejk and Szpilki. The artists performed the most well-known Polish carols, including „Bóg się rodzi”, „Przybieżeli do Betlejem”, „Cicha noc” and „Gdy śliczna panna”, as well as traditional highlander pastorals: „Narodzynie w sercu”, „To już pora na wilijom”, „Gore gwiazda” or „Skrzypi wóz”.